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Earthbound Echoes: AIVA Summer Show 2024

This year marks the Year of the Blue Dragon in the Chinese zodiac cycle, which occurs every 60 years. As a nation that holds the dragon as a totem, our ancestors gazed at the stars to identify strategies for cultivating the land, leading to the development of a sophisticated agricultural civilization. This process of exploration is precisely the goal pursued by AIVA in its educational endeavors. In response to this, we are pleased to announce the AIVA Summer Show 2024 - Earthbound Echoes, which will be held on May 25th to showcase our students’ achievements. The creative themes of our students are as diverse as the myriad of living beings nurtured by the Earth.

In disciplines such as interior space design, jewelry design, fashion design, and photography, we delve deep into the soil, reflecting on their personal preferences, precious memories, and self-identity to construct intriguing works. Students in areas such as management, stage design, game design, and illustration fearlessly question and voice societal issues or allow their creativity to flourish. The brilliance of their imaginative thinking can be witnessed on theater stages, in interactive park spaces, within the lines of high school essays, in the transformation of low-cost materials into immense wealth, and in their observations and predictions of various youth trends. Over the course of a year, with practical actions, each inspired creation has come to fruition.

The exhibition will be held at the AIVA exhibition hall from May 25th to July 31st. You can also visit our online student showcase website (aivaonshow.cargo.site) or the official school website (aiva.com.cn) to explore the students’ works and learn more about the related art activities of the exhibition.

    2024  AIVA国际视觉艺术教育毕业展

    今年是六十甲子的青龙之年,作为以龙为图腾的民族,我们的祖先通过仰望星空掌握在耕种大地的秘密,并在长久的实践中逐渐探索出伟大的农业文明。这一探索过程,正是AIVA在教育过程中所追求的目标。因此,我们将以作品回应,AIVA Summer Show 2024——大地回声(Earthbound Echoes),将于5月25日与观众见面。我们本科预科、研究生预科、作品集等各个项目不同领域的同学,经过一年的学习与成长,将有机会展示自己的学习成果。



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